This small extension for the Sony Smartwatch SW2 will pass generic bluetooth media control events to the phone. Events include:
* Play
* Pause
* Next
* Previous
* Seek Forward
* Seek Backward
* Volume Up
* Volume Down
<b>New premium features!</b>
*Add widgets for all functions to your watchface
*Customize the colors
*Option to vibrate when button is clicked
*Billing - for purchase of premium features
*Get accounts - in order to tie the premium purchase to your chosen account (if more than one exists)
*Note there is no permission to access the internet. All billing is handled by Google.
Certain functions (such as Play) may cause action from multiple apps. This will depend on which apps are installed and the bluetooth control settings of each app.
<b>Shameless Plug:</b>
Be sure to check out Tiny Tasks to view Google Tasks on the smartwatch!
Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这个小扩展索尼的SmartWatch SW2将通过通用的蓝牙媒体控制事件到手机。活动包括:
*计费 - 用于购买高级功能
*获取账户 - 为了配合保费购买到您所选择的帐户(如果存在多个)
智能连接扩展的SmartWatch 2
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